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- Quotes & Stories from Conference
- Hymns & Other Songs
- More being added.
Doctrinal Mastery Reference Card
- Up to date for 2023.
- Includes references and key phrases (from the scriptures).
- See printing and trimming instructions on the print out.
- Print and fold for a pocket sized reference card.
- Use in any lesson where concepts and principles are easily found in scripture verses or quotes or to review a previous lesson.
- Game sheets (print here) are already filled in (which saves time in class).
- 3 questions that could be used to dig deeper into a DM (or any other) scripture.
- Could be used during a lesson, to study DM scriptures, or for Spiritual Thoughts.
- To use for spiritual thoughts: Read a DM scripture or Conference quote. Have one or more people pick one of the questions to answer.
Signs for A.S.K. (Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge)
3 signs. One for each part of answering gospel questions.
- Can be used to take notes during conference or to study talks afterward.
- Studying Conference talks can be use for make up work.