Religious Posts

Scripture Man Game
Each person answers each question and gets points for correct answers. Use: in any lesson where concepts and principles are easily found in scripture [...]
The Names of Jesus Christ
Understand more of the role Jesus Christ can play in your life though this daily, or weekly, study of His names. Just as Jesus [...]
Making the Sabbath a Holy Day for You
A discussion for your family or class about how the Sabbath can be a day that helps you feel rested and renewed. Using Moses [...]
35 Ways to Increase Faith
In April 2021, President Russell M. Nelson urged us to increase our faith. Here are some ways to continue your efforts to understand and [...]
Doctrinal Mastery Reference Card
A list of the 100 Doctrinal Mastery scriptures used in seminary. Includes references and key phrases (from the scriptures). See printing and trimming [...]
Priesthood Diagram, Lesson Plan, Quotes & Resources
The idea of the Priesthood can be confusing because it is a big idea and there are many different parts to understand. Even when [...]
You ARE Receiving Revelation
A devotional address by Loren Dalton delivered May 21, 2019. “You ARE Receiving Revelation” By Loren Dalton, May 2019, Ensign College I [...]
Choosing Joy and Happiness
"Men are, that they might have joy." This concept that people are alive so they can have joy seems like a really strange idea [...]
Let God Prevail in Your Life
Russell M. Nelson, president of the Church of Latter-day Saints, has said, "as you choose to let God prevail in your lives, you will [...]
Waiting on the Lord
Have you ever prayed for something and didn't get an answer? Maybe it was something really important that you needed help with right then. Or [...]
Be As Christ Is
As Christ was teaching the people on the American continent, He asked a question - "Therefore, what manner of men [and women] ought ye [...]
Our Father in Heaven is a God of Miracles
In 2 Nephi 27:23 it says, “For behold, I am God; and I am a God of miracles; and I will show unto the [...]
Ways To Help Others
Why It's Important to Know There Are Different Ways to Help There are lots of different ways to help people. Mostly because there are [...]
What Truth Glasses Are You Wearing?
If you put on a pair of glasses with red lenses. The red would affect everything you see. Of course buildings would still look [...]
Create and Build
Did you know you are a creator? Even if you're saying, "No, not me. I'm not creative." keep reading. [...]
From the Prophet
How would it be to have any of these blessings in your life? Knowledge and understanding you're looking for Comfort Power to accomplish things you're [...]
Action Notes for General Conference
During conference we will hear amazing thing! We will hear warnings, guidance, comfort, and protection that the Lord knows we need right now! “The teachings [...]
Turn Information Into Action!
You listen to General Conference and are inspired. You try to read the scriptures and pray and even pay attention in Sacrament Meeting. (Sometimes you [...]
Pause…and Look Up!
In Sunday School the other day we were talking about the fiery serpents that came to the children of Israel. These serpents were everywhere. They [...]